Although it's not a heavy hitter like Earthworm Jim and the Super Star Wars series, Indiana Jones will take you away. Just like the films, though, you have to draw on the magic of movies a little when you play. If you think the Indy movies are the among the best adventure films ever made, you'll have a great time with this game. Some stages won't break a sweat on the brow of learned platform gamers. And easy it is, with the game's smooth, accurate controls.

As in Jones's big-screen adventures, the action is basic brawling through the easy levels. The simple controls include jumping, whipping, and punching. A saving grace is the number of superb voice clips (Sean Connery's "I've lost him" is one example). Although the music is great, it's the same throughout most of the game. The sounds are excellent but not perfect. The exciting Boulder Run from Raiders of the Lost Ark would've been better as a forward-scrolling segment, while Temple of Doom's Mine Cart race is too static. Some graphics, however, could've been improved. Crystal-dear digitized cinema scenes from the movie trilogy are spread throughout the game. The inconsistent graphics include many fine Super Star Wars-type graphics, along with some pretty clean backgrounds. Both weapons have unlimited use, but if you die, you must find them again.

Indy being Indy, the only weapon he can carry is his whip, though he sports an occasional gun. You'll see the temple's natives, contemptible rats and spiders, and an even lower life form: all the Nazis you can handle. The enemies are also straight from the silver screen. Look carefully for posts you can swing from.When you find a gun, use it but remember that the whip is sometimes more effective and has a greater range.